oktant: functions, user groups, familiarisation

Beitrag vom 01/06/2021

3 Questions about oktant / Part 1

1) Prof. Dr. Blum: Which user groups benefit particularly from the cloud software “oktant”?

We basically differentiate between two user groups, the auditors on the one hand and medium-sized industrial, commercial and service companies on the other. oktant assists the first user group in a targeted manner within the scope of their activities as auditors and additionally as a “continuous” business management advisor to their clients beyond the audit of the financial statements.

Companies use the cloud software as a reliable tool for the ongoing monitoring of their economic development and as an information base for key stakeholders such as management or the owner family.

2) In your opinion, what are the most important functions that “oktant” offers companies as an auditing software?

Deep Dive is no longer a cliché with oktant, but a reality: you get the opportunity to dive continuously and without restriction into the financials of the companies – without complex programming and without significant user training.

3) Approximately how long does it take to become familiar with the cloud software as a user?

Of course, this can always differ a little, but I would estimate it roughly as follows: To use the basic functionalities on the part of management or the owner family, I would expect between 15 and 60 minutes. Advanced functions required by a CFO can be learned in two to three hours, and for professionals, e.g. in accounting, I guess it takes between five and six hours of on-the-job training. Here, too, as always in life: Practice makes perfect.


Prof. Dr. Andreas Blum

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Andreas Lau synalis oktant Bonn


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Andreas Lau
Managing Director synalis GmbH & Co. KG
+49 228 9268-0
synalis GmbH & Co. KG
Gesellschaft für modernes Informationsmanagement