The digital audit with oktant

Beitrag vom 11/12/2020

Up to date, transparent & state of the art

Up to now, the annual audit took place – quite classically – at the end of the year. This means an increased workload for the auditors, who have to perform all audit procedures in peaks. Due to the delayed audit, undesirable developments and trends are only recognised in retrospect, which makes it impossivle to react promptly with appropriate measures.

To counteract this and make external audits both more efficient and of higher quality, synalis GmbH & Co. KG, in cooperation with dhpg Dr. Harzem & Partner mbB and in regular exchange with the IDW (Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft), has developed a solution that grants auditors permanent access to data. That means: The continuous auditing and automated evaluation help to quickly create forecasts and trends and optimise the analysis possibilities, which serve as a basis for business-relevant decision-making strategies from now on.

A BI (Business Intelligence) application makes this possible. It brings together data from all common ERP sources and automates interactive audit actions, key figures and reports.

“A continuous annual audit means, of course, that you go deeper into data and processes. You can gain more insights,” says synalis Managing Director Andreas Lau. “Regardless of which IT systems prevail and which data are processed: oktant adopts and harmonises this data. This alone is a great service upfront the final audit,” adds Prof. Dr. Andreas Blum from dhpg in the interview “Future and trends in view: The digital audit”.


Andreas Lau synalis oktant Bonn


Your contact person

Andreas Lau
Managing Director synalis GmbH & Co. KG
+49 228 9268-0
synalis GmbH & Co. KG
Gesellschaft für modernes Informationsmanagement